The government and the law is created to defend rights. One of the most fundamental rights is the right to thought (this includes beliefs and opinions). Should the government defend people's rights to believe that certain discriminations are ok?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let. It. SNOW!!
This is the most beautiful thing I have seen in New York! I knew this day would come and I would have to face the snow of the Northeast. I also understand that this is still the honeymoon phase of my time here, and eventually I will be sick of this fluffy white gift. 
I have spent 5 hours in rehearsal for The Good Person of Setzuan and have 3 hours left to go. So when the flurries brushed passed the window panes, of course, I had to run outside. 
It's beautiful and romantic. I want to grab a steamy cup of coffee and lounge under blankets on the roof or dance down the streets singing wintery music. I love today, with the exception that I'm cooped inside and don't have a snow buddy. 
Today has been a little blessing from God! I feel like after the stressful past two weeks, I now have a little gift from Heaven to relish for the rest of the weekend. So if you live in the City and wanna come to the roof with me, let's go! If you aren't here watching this lovely display, just pray that God keeps me sheltered but keeps the snow coming!

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