The government and the law is created to defend rights. One of the most fundamental rights is the right to thought (this includes beliefs and opinions). Should the government defend people's rights to believe that certain discriminations are ok?

Monday, July 30, 2012

God is just too good

So, I have just had the most incredible summer, and it's not over! I really feel that God wants me to blog about it because it always encourages people when we share the ways God can always be a blessing, right? Therefore, this post is going to have more of a personal update feel rather than the typically eccentric story-like form I take. 

The beginning of this summer, I was moving into a new apartment in Brooklyn. I will honestly say, I had more stress at that point in my life, than at most. I was literally broke. I didn't have a penny to my name, I went weeks with very little food. I was required to be the epitome of what I abhor--a mooch. Then, I had some difficulties with my roommate because I have such a hard time with empathy over pragmatism sometimes. This is when God taught me my desire for efficiency, yet the pitfall of arrogance which often accompanies it. So, I spent days praying and begging God to provide for me. In a nutshell, I had 40 days (give or take a little) to make $1750 so that I could pay for all my expenses prior to and during my travels to China. Well, He provided for me above and beyond that! I also struggled during this time with whether or not I should tithe. Some weeks, my tithe was almost the entire remainder of my savings account, but I went through with it. I sincerely learned to walk by faith. But God gave me just enough money to pay all my bills with a small cushion for my return to New York. 

Then, in China, God was merciful and wonderful on many days. No one on our trip got any sort of intestinal sickness, which is remarkable. This was my greatest fear because, as some of you may know, I have a strong mental aversion to vomiting (etc.). Not only did we stay healthy, but God gave us many open doors to share the gospel with students whom we otherwise never be able to approach with God's word. There was also an incident with a wardrobe malfunction, and as silly as it seemed, when God provided a way for it to be remedied, I felt like His hand was totally at work! God surely does provide for all the seemingly small and great needs :)

Upon my return to Texas, I encountered some relationship difficulties with people I wasn't expecting. But in this time, I take it as a huge blessing that God seemed to slap me with a mirror reflecting many of my shortcomings. I appreciated this and counted this as a gift because now I know how to serve others better and place myself second. I have never before been so humbled my all the things God wants to work on in me. I also had the opportunity during this short visit to help at one of the teen camps I used to attend in high school. This was a HUGE gift to me because I'd always wanted to, but I never had a full summer free to travel with this organization. The owner of this camp let me go with them for one week to their camp in Texas, and I was amazed at the presence of the Lord in that place. I helped lead 2 people to Christ and watched as 2 of my friends got their lives right with God. I also was able to spend time with some of my dearest friends during that week. God just kept pouring into me through people, experiences, and gifts in such a way that I'm left speechless and overwhelmed by His undeserving mercies. 

Finally, I've been in New York for less than a week now and God has already shown up! Some of you may know that when I moved to this new apartment, I had no furniture in my room because I couldn't afford it. I was blessed by a free dresser and end table that friends gave me. But then this weekend, out of the blue, my old professor called and told me that she'd be willing to give me her futon if I'd help by cleaning her old apartment. So now, I have an incredible, new, and comfortable bed and it wasn't even something I was worried or praying about! 

During all these times of provision, whether I was looking for them or not, God just kept reminding me of the phrase in the Lord's prayer, "give me this day my daily bread." That's all I for which I need to ask! I don't need tomorrow or next year's necessities. I don't need to know exactly where I'm going or how I'm going to take care of everything. As much as this goes against my temperament, there's an incredible freedom and peace in Him that words just can't describe. So I encourage you, if you're going through a time of disparity, pray and ask others to pray, but don't let worry overwhelm you. I mean what's the worst that could happen? If you don't trust me, just try it with one thing you're in desperate need of. Tell God it's His and that you aren't going to try and psychoanalyze it, plan it, or control it. Just try it once and see if God doesn't provide in incredible ways that you couldn't have expected! It may not always look the way you planned, but just trust that He is the great provider and planner. 

And for those of you going through smooth patched, I implore you to find ways to give! There are so many people out there who need what you can give! If that looks like being a prayer warrior, writing a check for a friend in need, helping a non-profit, or just cleaning out your home and donating some stuff to Salvation Army, I beg you to give as much as you can. There's nothing that grows you or blesses you as quickly as giving of the little that you have to help people so that God can also provide for you when the situation reverses! 

Well, I love you all :) Feel free to send snail-mail, care packages, or just Bible verses to me at my new place! My address is in the "About Me" section. Now, go be givers!

John 16:33

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