The government and the law is created to defend rights. One of the most fundamental rights is the right to thought (this includes beliefs and opinions). Should the government defend people's rights to believe that certain discriminations are ok?
Saturday, August 11, 2012
You may notice above that it looks like there are selections of voting options, but no question! Well, Blogger is having some issues with it's gadget feature, but that's not what matters to you.
I'm calling on everyone to PLEASE vote above on the following question:
The government and laws were created with the intent of providing and protecting certain rights. One of the most basic rights is the right to thought--which includes opinions and beliefs. So, should the government provide laws defending someone's opinion to be prejudiced and discriminate? For the sake of argument, assume that the discrimination is not allowed to be violent or abusive.
I would also cherish your comments at the bottom of this post. After my survey is over, I may explain why this is such an important question to me. I've literally lost sleep over thinking about what the government's role is in allowing the liberty of thought but also respecting and providing for basic human rights. I'm wrestling to define this for myself, but I want to see where you, my beloved followers, stand on this issue.
Thank you, and you shall hear from me soon on this :) Spread the word for other people to vote on this, please!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Are You Ready to be Challenged for the Stand You Took on Wednesday?
Are You Ready to be Challenged for the Stand You Took on Wednesday?
This Wednesday may not have been the most proud moment for many Christians, Republicans, Freedom-of-Speechers, or Homosexual vigilantes. Don't believe me? Read on, and comment on the end if you so choose.
I want to be thorough, so I want to fully explain my background first. I believe that people shouldn't be identified by any one factor. I especially don't think that sexual orientation should be the way that you look at a person or accept them. I believe that admitting homosexuality, regardless of how accepting your friends and family are, is incredibly difficult because it takes admitting that you are still going against what people and science says is normal. I defended this Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day all over Facebook and in conversations with friends. I was excited that people all over America were standing up for Economic Freedoms, Religious Freedoms, and Freedoms of Speech. However, my greatest fear happened.
As you watch the video above you may immediately notice Ms. Tracy's clearly fallacious logic, or the simpleton speech of the first interviewee, or the female pastor. But what you may not notice, because Christians have gotten supremely numb at noticing, is the hurt and the anger that Ms. Tracy is expressing in this video. She is just one example of thousands of people in America, who, on Wednesday, felt ostracized and persecuted for their sexual identity.
Before you start gathering your pitchforks and torches, hear me out. I have many beliefs on homosexuality which would take too many pages for me to explore here. Supremely above what I believe on the practice, though, is my understanding of God's loving nature. Even though this day was not meant (by those who organized it) to feel like an LGBT persecution day, it was another example of Christians appearing hateful and superior. I'm not saying the Appreciation Day shouldn't have happened, but I think the masses of America will quickly notice some hypocrisy amongst the people who supported this event.
If Mike Huckabee had called for a National Help the Homeless Day, would you have spent 2 hours doing that? Or would you have written a check? If he had called for a National Clean Your Local Parks Day, would you have helped? Or would you have Tweeted about it and left it to other people? And if an openly homosexual person owning a large chain of stores was being told to shutdown some of his locations because of his personal support of the LGBT, would you have all gone and waited hours in line for HIS rights? Or would you be the one telling him to shut down his stores?
The hard part about this past Wednesday is that S. Truett Cathy made a statement about a widely controversial religious topic. If he had just said something about the President and some stores were asked to close, very few people would think to organize a rally. But Wednesday, though it was about freedoms, appeared to be about another issue entirely. It shouldn't have been, but that's how it came across. There was even a Chick-Fil-A in Texas which gave out free sandwiches to people who said they were against homosexuality. Such is the nature of national events which cannot be completely controlled.
Thank you, everyone, who supported CFA for the right reasons. I hope your voice was heard! But for the future, let's think about how our rally's may be perceived. Today, some people in the homosexual community have decided to go to Chick-Fil-As all across America and show PDA in the restaurants as a counter-rally. Let's make sure that somehow, be it through social media or personal interactions, we show that our incredible overwhelming love for God explodes from our every action and speech such that people of all orientations, races, and personalities know that we love them more than the cause.
Monday, July 30, 2012
God is just too good
So, I have just had the most incredible summer, and it's not over! I really feel that God wants me to blog about it because it always encourages people when we share the ways God can always be a blessing, right? Therefore, this post is going to have more of a personal update feel rather than the typically eccentric story-like form I take.
The beginning of this summer, I was moving into a new apartment in Brooklyn. I will honestly say, I had more stress at that point in my life, than at most. I was literally broke. I didn't have a penny to my name, I went weeks with very little food. I was required to be the epitome of what I abhor--a mooch. Then, I had some difficulties with my roommate because I have such a hard time with empathy over pragmatism sometimes. This is when God taught me my desire for efficiency, yet the pitfall of arrogance which often accompanies it. So, I spent days praying and begging God to provide for me. In a nutshell, I had 40 days (give or take a little) to make $1750 so that I could pay for all my expenses prior to and during my travels to China. Well, He provided for me above and beyond that! I also struggled during this time with whether or not I should tithe. Some weeks, my tithe was almost the entire remainder of my savings account, but I went through with it. I sincerely learned to walk by faith. But God gave me just enough money to pay all my bills with a small cushion for my return to New York.
Then, in China, God was merciful and wonderful on many days. No one on our trip got any sort of intestinal sickness, which is remarkable. This was my greatest fear because, as some of you may know, I have a strong mental aversion to vomiting (etc.). Not only did we stay healthy, but God gave us many open doors to share the gospel with students whom we otherwise never be able to approach with God's word. There was also an incident with a wardrobe malfunction, and as silly as it seemed, when God provided a way for it to be remedied, I felt like His hand was totally at work! God surely does provide for all the seemingly small and great needs :)
Upon my return to Texas, I encountered some relationship difficulties with people I wasn't expecting. But in this time, I take it as a huge blessing that God seemed to slap me with a mirror reflecting many of my shortcomings. I appreciated this and counted this as a gift because now I know how to serve others better and place myself second. I have never before been so humbled my all the things God wants to work on in me. I also had the opportunity during this short visit to help at one of the teen camps I used to attend in high school. This was a HUGE gift to me because I'd always wanted to, but I never had a full summer free to travel with this organization. The owner of this camp let me go with them for one week to their camp in Texas, and I was amazed at the presence of the Lord in that place. I helped lead 2 people to Christ and watched as 2 of my friends got their lives right with God. I also was able to spend time with some of my dearest friends during that week. God just kept pouring into me through people, experiences, and gifts in such a way that I'm left speechless and overwhelmed by His undeserving mercies.
Finally, I've been in New York for less than a week now and God has already shown up! Some of you may know that when I moved to this new apartment, I had no furniture in my room because I couldn't afford it. I was blessed by a free dresser and end table that friends gave me. But then this weekend, out of the blue, my old professor called and told me that she'd be willing to give me her futon if I'd help by cleaning her old apartment. So now, I have an incredible, new, and comfortable bed and it wasn't even something I was worried or praying about!
During all these times of provision, whether I was looking for them or not, God just kept reminding me of the phrase in the Lord's prayer, "give me this day my daily bread." That's all I for which I need to ask! I don't need tomorrow or next year's necessities. I don't need to know exactly where I'm going or how I'm going to take care of everything. As much as this goes against my temperament, there's an incredible freedom and peace in Him that words just can't describe. So I encourage you, if you're going through a time of disparity, pray and ask others to pray, but don't let worry overwhelm you. I mean what's the worst that could happen? If you don't trust me, just try it with one thing you're in desperate need of. Tell God it's His and that you aren't going to try and psychoanalyze it, plan it, or control it. Just try it once and see if God doesn't provide in incredible ways that you couldn't have expected! It may not always look the way you planned, but just trust that He is the great provider and planner.
And for those of you going through smooth patched, I implore you to find ways to give! There are so many people out there who need what you can give! If that looks like being a prayer warrior, writing a check for a friend in need, helping a non-profit, or just cleaning out your home and donating some stuff to Salvation Army, I beg you to give as much as you can. There's nothing that grows you or blesses you as quickly as giving of the little that you have to help people so that God can also provide for you when the situation reverses!
Well, I love you all :) Feel free to send snail-mail, care packages, or just Bible verses to me at my new place! My address is in the "About Me" section. Now, go be givers!
John 16:33
So, I have just had the most incredible summer, and it's not over! I really feel that God wants me to blog about it because it always encourages people when we share the ways God can always be a blessing, right? Therefore, this post is going to have more of a personal update feel rather than the typically eccentric story-like form I take.
The beginning of this summer, I was moving into a new apartment in Brooklyn. I will honestly say, I had more stress at that point in my life, than at most. I was literally broke. I didn't have a penny to my name, I went weeks with very little food. I was required to be the epitome of what I abhor--a mooch. Then, I had some difficulties with my roommate because I have such a hard time with empathy over pragmatism sometimes. This is when God taught me my desire for efficiency, yet the pitfall of arrogance which often accompanies it. So, I spent days praying and begging God to provide for me. In a nutshell, I had 40 days (give or take a little) to make $1750 so that I could pay for all my expenses prior to and during my travels to China. Well, He provided for me above and beyond that! I also struggled during this time with whether or not I should tithe. Some weeks, my tithe was almost the entire remainder of my savings account, but I went through with it. I sincerely learned to walk by faith. But God gave me just enough money to pay all my bills with a small cushion for my return to New York.
Then, in China, God was merciful and wonderful on many days. No one on our trip got any sort of intestinal sickness, which is remarkable. This was my greatest fear because, as some of you may know, I have a strong mental aversion to vomiting (etc.). Not only did we stay healthy, but God gave us many open doors to share the gospel with students whom we otherwise never be able to approach with God's word. There was also an incident with a wardrobe malfunction, and as silly as it seemed, when God provided a way for it to be remedied, I felt like His hand was totally at work! God surely does provide for all the seemingly small and great needs :)
Upon my return to Texas, I encountered some relationship difficulties with people I wasn't expecting. But in this time, I take it as a huge blessing that God seemed to slap me with a mirror reflecting many of my shortcomings. I appreciated this and counted this as a gift because now I know how to serve others better and place myself second. I have never before been so humbled my all the things God wants to work on in me. I also had the opportunity during this short visit to help at one of the teen camps I used to attend in high school. This was a HUGE gift to me because I'd always wanted to, but I never had a full summer free to travel with this organization. The owner of this camp let me go with them for one week to their camp in Texas, and I was amazed at the presence of the Lord in that place. I helped lead 2 people to Christ and watched as 2 of my friends got their lives right with God. I also was able to spend time with some of my dearest friends during that week. God just kept pouring into me through people, experiences, and gifts in such a way that I'm left speechless and overwhelmed by His undeserving mercies.
Finally, I've been in New York for less than a week now and God has already shown up! Some of you may know that when I moved to this new apartment, I had no furniture in my room because I couldn't afford it. I was blessed by a free dresser and end table that friends gave me. But then this weekend, out of the blue, my old professor called and told me that she'd be willing to give me her futon if I'd help by cleaning her old apartment. So now, I have an incredible, new, and comfortable bed and it wasn't even something I was worried or praying about!
During all these times of provision, whether I was looking for them or not, God just kept reminding me of the phrase in the Lord's prayer, "give me this day my daily bread." That's all I for which I need to ask! I don't need tomorrow or next year's necessities. I don't need to know exactly where I'm going or how I'm going to take care of everything. As much as this goes against my temperament, there's an incredible freedom and peace in Him that words just can't describe. So I encourage you, if you're going through a time of disparity, pray and ask others to pray, but don't let worry overwhelm you. I mean what's the worst that could happen? If you don't trust me, just try it with one thing you're in desperate need of. Tell God it's His and that you aren't going to try and psychoanalyze it, plan it, or control it. Just try it once and see if God doesn't provide in incredible ways that you couldn't have expected! It may not always look the way you planned, but just trust that He is the great provider and planner.
And for those of you going through smooth patched, I implore you to find ways to give! There are so many people out there who need what you can give! If that looks like being a prayer warrior, writing a check for a friend in need, helping a non-profit, or just cleaning out your home and donating some stuff to Salvation Army, I beg you to give as much as you can. There's nothing that grows you or blesses you as quickly as giving of the little that you have to help people so that God can also provide for you when the situation reverses!
Well, I love you all :) Feel free to send snail-mail, care packages, or just Bible verses to me at my new place! My address is in the "About Me" section. Now, go be givers!
John 16:33
Friday, June 1, 2012
Hello all! I sincerely apologize for not posting anything for a long time. Turns out, my addiction to over-achieving and my constant inability to say, "no" means that I was I was booked with work up to my ears and this had to be pushed to the end of my to-do list. However, I'm excited to be back, and I'll be writing again!
So here's the hizzity happs:
I have only one week until my trip to China. Thank all of you for your prayers and support. I actually over-fundraised by $150! This is all thanks to your generosity, and I'm incredibly amazed by how God pulled me through this experience.
I have also moved! I'm now living in Brooklyn with Kacey (one of the girls I roomed with this past semester). We LOVE it. The area feels suburban, residential, and quaint. Care packages, as always, are extremely welcome!
As far as school, it ended well, and I got almost exactly the grades I wanted. Basically, Dean's List was my goal, and I reached it!
I'm also set to be on the executive team for our theater organization here on the TKC campus. I also have a new academic advisor who is brilliant and producer her musical off-broadway (hopefully soon on broadway!).
For now, I'm just working several nannying jobs with the hopes that I will have enough money before I leave for China for 2 months of rent while I'm gone.
So, while I'm in China:
We will have our own team blog that you can follow while we're in country. While I would like to personally stay involved with all of you, I will ask that you do not email, text, call, or Skype me. This is for our own protection, but I also will not have access to most forms of communication while I'm gone.
Needs List:
So just because it's been a while, and I'm living pay-check to pay-check, I'm unashamed to speak of my needs because I know that's how God provides! I love you all, and thank you for sticking with me.
- Prayer, prayer, prayer. Mostly for safety in China and God's wisdom and words while I'm there. Also, that I make enough money for rent this summer before my regular job picks up again in the fall.
- Giftcards to healthy restaurants like Subway. Also, giftcards to Trader Joe's for groceries would be helpful!
- Swiffer duster handle
- Air freshener
- Bug spray for our home; preferably the kind that is meant as a protective barrier around the house.
- Trash bags for a 13-gallon trash can
- Shower spray
- Paper towels and toilet paper
- Strainer
- Ikea gift cards because as of now, I don't have any furniture in my room.
Thank you all for everything and I'll be writing again soon!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Ever wanted to learn the history behind a fairy tale?
Perhaps this sounds a little random, but this is a presentation I put together for a class with my friend, Chris Kendall. I wanted to share this because Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite fairy tale stories. The implications of her resurrection and the ability for time to affect no mortal in the story is quite fascinating. More interesting than that, though, are the horrific stories from which our traditional Disney plot was derived.
All in all, I learn crazy and wonderful new things here and The King's College and like to share the things which most peak my interest! So, click on the link below to watch a Prezi presentation. Also, feel free to click on the source links at the end to get more info on the story's international history!
God Bless :) Updates on my life to come.
Perhaps this sounds a little random, but this is a presentation I put together for a class with my friend, Chris Kendall. I wanted to share this because Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite fairy tale stories. The implications of her resurrection and the ability for time to affect no mortal in the story is quite fascinating. More interesting than that, though, are the horrific stories from which our traditional Disney plot was derived.
All in all, I learn crazy and wonderful new things here and The King's College and like to share the things which most peak my interest! So, click on the link below to watch a Prezi presentation. Also, feel free to click on the source links at the end to get more info on the story's international history!
God Bless :) Updates on my life to come.
Friday, January 6, 2012
2011 RECAP
To be completely honest, this year has overwhelmed me. This post will be completely transparent as I want to share the growth and weaknesses this year has revealed about me. I'm also tying in songs that summarize my feelings about each month which correspond to the link below for my 2011 countdown playlist. This will be lengthy, but thanks for reading!!
January was wonderful and my final semester of highschool was closing in. I remember that sinking feeling of oncoming loss already setting in. I wanted to make the most of every moment because I was afraid of losing friends. Looking back, I was right. I lost a lot of friends because of distance and time constraints, but I don't love any of them less. To those of my friends about to go through this phase, allow yourself to prepare for this. Don't think you'll always be the exception, but embrace every moment now. The most defining moment of that month, though, was the moment I was hurt by the two people who love me the most. It was a trying time for us and I still hate that it happened. For the record, to me, it's not that incident which helped our relationship but rather my allowance for independence. I have so much love for them, but I hope that one day I will find a gracious way to forget how I felt that day. [The explanation for my song choice this month is too lengthy. If you know me well, you'll know why Falling by Florence + The Machine is perfect here.]
February was truly a month of love and surprises. I got my first bouquet of black roses which I loved and the school year was truly hectic. I couldn't decide on colleges, was hectically auditioning and applying for scholarships. Competition for One Act was in full swing and I was trying to live it all up. It's my favorite month and it was a good time. [Looking back, Judas by Lady Gaga seems appropriate. Do not, however, take this as a look back on my choices as ones I regret. I honestly wish if everything were fixed that things could've worked out.]
March was a month of broken hearts and dreams. I felt lost and scared and I realized I project hopes and dreams too much on those I love because I want the most for them. Flaw or gift, I do not know, but that forced me to be awoken by many harsh realizations. Sometimes God truly pulls things away from you to show you that you cannot make someone better regardless of the love and effort you put into them. They must want and realize God's dreams for them. [Amy Winehouse's song, Love is a Losing Game perfectly summarizes my feelings during this period.]
April was a time of turning over new leaves. I rushed into too many things trying so desperately to salvage the last of my happy memories before college hit me in the face. I gave someone my care and my pain in such a short time. I hate myself for hurting that best friend and damaging that relationship. But that was the month of my final highschool proms. It was the best proms I've ever had. I loved the nights and felt like a princess both times. It was a magical month with many lessons learned. [The friend I hurt will know why the song Firework has meaning. It's not because of the lyrics but because the artist is Katy Perry. For him, I must dedicate that song (which was a surprise song included in my recital) to the month of April.]
May was wild with graduation plans, parties, pictures, AP exams, recitals, college choices, and job searching. I've never felt so stressed thin and pushed for so many deadlines at once. It was definitely a time of growth for me. I was forced to make decisions about my future which I honestly couldn't prepare for. I spent more time in prayer this month than I ever do begging God for His direction (which I'm blessed to say, I honestly have found). I also began working like crazy to save for this lovely life I now live in the Big City![I sang Don't Forget to Remember Me by Carrie Underwood and my senior recital and actually choked up a bit, but not as much as Taylor! lol But I honestly can't imagine a better song for my sentiments in May.]
June was when my relationship with Josh blossomed. I love what we have now, and I'm grateful every day that God has given me a strong man to trust. Things are always complicated and no one predicts the future, but I am secure in the present. I found a second family with Mommy, Pappi, Titi, Billy, Rita, Allan, Paola, Alejandro, and Sebastian. They all loved me so completely and gave me a safe and secure place to live, love and be myself. If God didn't bring these people in my life, I don't know that I would ever feel as safe away from home as I do now. [Josh showed me the song How To Love by Lil Wayne and that's when I began to appreciate this artist. It's our song.]
July was wild and crazy! I can't count all the times Pablo, Kyle, Omar, Nathan, Jackie, Rachel and I hung out. I was certainly out of my house a lot shopping, having sleepovers, and sleepily driving home after long days of socialization and work. I'm so glad that this month was the end to the summer of my life. [I'll never forget when I heard Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 in Jackie's car. It became the anthem of my summer.]
August was move-in time. I will be honest, I cried for 15 minutes after my mother left me at my New York apartment. I was scared for about that long, until my roommate Kacey came home. I was scared the money wouldn't work out and fearful that I wouldn't be able to handle the academic that workload. Even now, I find myself feeling those stresses again. After how smoothly everything went last semester though, and trusting that God will provide for His will, I'm no longer afraid. I am secure in Him now and that's all I have to remember. School started for me on my birthday and it was weird not celebrating, but I think it was better that way. Humility has always been a struggle for me. [Because it's cliche and overused, I almost feel obligated to place the song Empire State of Mind by
September was rather mundane. I was still job searching, studying hard, and avoiding a social life at King's. I have this problem of associating having friends with not having time to do homework. I had a super hard time settling in (though it honestly didn't affect me) and I just went about my studies. I was just beginning to get into a rhythm with things and adjusting to my roommate situation. There were many King's ceremonies and rituals and competitions thrust upon me at this time, but I suppose I liked it. I was definitely kept busy. I also met my Big B (like a big sister program in our house) and we became fast friends. [Invisible by Skylar Grey isn't how I felt about this particular time but rather a remembrance of how such anonymity use to affect me. Think of it like an expression of my growth.]
October was the month of tests. I had my first week of college midterms and was afraid for my life. I have come to define myself by my grades (a terrible habit!) and I hardly slept that week. This was also the month I started my job with the most wonderful boss in the world (Courtney) taking care of the most incredible kid I've ever met (Olivia). I had to get used to a 5:30 AM alarm daily for work. This was also the month I made a mistake. I trusted too easily again. I hurt people I love and I assumed someone's word as a friend was honest. I was naive and too forgiving of someone's obvious faults. I have learned now and I value those close to me so much more because of it. [Should this person read this post, he would know why Teenage Dream is the song for this month. Someone I cared about showed it to me and I just have to put it on the playlist though I've put it on a playlist before.]
November was a selfish month on my part. I was living for myself because I pretty much thought I could get away with it. I was working harder than ever in school, but also trying to hard to express my independence and ability to choose my own lifestyle. I let down my new family, and for that, I'm sincerely sorry. I temporarily lost one of my best friends, but I'm so glad she and I are good again!! I was blessed by finding a church home at Calvary at St. George's and 3 new part-time nannying positions. This was also the month of the theatre production at my school and I was thrilled with its success. I developed many friends and a mentor whom I highly esteem. This was the month I truly began to see my potential and future here in NYC. I also came home quickly for Thanksgiving and was reminded about all the things for which I'm working. It was a rejuvenating blessing. [Again, I know I've already used the song, Money by the Flying Lizards, but it's a great song. We used this is in our production of The Good Person of Setzuan in November.]
December was probably my most difficult academic month this past semester. I had finals which I was sure would be the death of me. I'm pretty sure I drank more espresso than is legal. I also worked more cumulative hours before I came home than I do in a normal month. I got sick just before I came home, but had the most marvelous 9 days. I love all the love everyone showed me and all the fun I had while I was home. To those who I didn't get to see: I'm genuinely sorry from the bottom of my heart. I had many familial demands as well as previously made plans, and unfortunately couldn't fit everything in. Just know that I love all of you have been there for me, lifted me up in prayer, and I never forget you even though I may not have time to communicate with you. [Dance (A$$ by Big Sean was introduced to me and became the funniest, dumbest, yet best dance song I heard in a long time!]
Well thank you everybody for following me these past few months! I admit December was a lazy month and I didn't do what I should for my blog followers, but I'm back and in full force! Please lift me up in prayer, though, because I have a 20 hour semester and I'm in 5 organizations and potentially in an exec position on one of them. I also lost the one professor I was closest to who was the best mentor I could've chosen for my college career. Just pray that God brings someone even better in my path and will help me have the energy to survive such an arduous path. I love you all and I would love for you to refer this blog, subscribe, comment, and +1 me!
To be completely honest, this year has overwhelmed me. This post will be completely transparent as I want to share the growth and weaknesses this year has revealed about me. I'm also tying in songs that summarize my feelings about each month which correspond to the link below for my 2011 countdown playlist. This will be lengthy, but thanks for reading!!
January was wonderful and my final semester of highschool was closing in. I remember that sinking feeling of oncoming loss already setting in. I wanted to make the most of every moment because I was afraid of losing friends. Looking back, I was right. I lost a lot of friends because of distance and time constraints, but I don't love any of them less. To those of my friends about to go through this phase, allow yourself to prepare for this. Don't think you'll always be the exception, but embrace every moment now. The most defining moment of that month, though, was the moment I was hurt by the two people who love me the most. It was a trying time for us and I still hate that it happened. For the record, to me, it's not that incident which helped our relationship but rather my allowance for independence. I have so much love for them, but I hope that one day I will find a gracious way to forget how I felt that day. [The explanation for my song choice this month is too lengthy. If you know me well, you'll know why Falling by Florence + The Machine is perfect here.]
February was truly a month of love and surprises. I got my first bouquet of black roses which I loved and the school year was truly hectic. I couldn't decide on colleges, was hectically auditioning and applying for scholarships. Competition for One Act was in full swing and I was trying to live it all up. It's my favorite month and it was a good time. [Looking back, Judas by Lady Gaga seems appropriate. Do not, however, take this as a look back on my choices as ones I regret. I honestly wish if everything were fixed that things could've worked out.]
March was a month of broken hearts and dreams. I felt lost and scared and I realized I project hopes and dreams too much on those I love because I want the most for them. Flaw or gift, I do not know, but that forced me to be awoken by many harsh realizations. Sometimes God truly pulls things away from you to show you that you cannot make someone better regardless of the love and effort you put into them. They must want and realize God's dreams for them. [Amy Winehouse's song, Love is a Losing Game perfectly summarizes my feelings during this period.]
April was a time of turning over new leaves. I rushed into too many things trying so desperately to salvage the last of my happy memories before college hit me in the face. I gave someone my care and my pain in such a short time. I hate myself for hurting that best friend and damaging that relationship. But that was the month of my final highschool proms. It was the best proms I've ever had. I loved the nights and felt like a princess both times. It was a magical month with many lessons learned. [The friend I hurt will know why the song Firework has meaning. It's not because of the lyrics but because the artist is Katy Perry. For him, I must dedicate that song (which was a surprise song included in my recital) to the month of April.]
May was wild with graduation plans, parties, pictures, AP exams, recitals, college choices, and job searching. I've never felt so stressed thin and pushed for so many deadlines at once. It was definitely a time of growth for me. I was forced to make decisions about my future which I honestly couldn't prepare for. I spent more time in prayer this month than I ever do begging God for His direction (which I'm blessed to say, I honestly have found). I also began working like crazy to save for this lovely life I now live in the Big City![I sang Don't Forget to Remember Me by Carrie Underwood and my senior recital and actually choked up a bit, but not as much as Taylor! lol But I honestly can't imagine a better song for my sentiments in May.]
June was when my relationship with Josh blossomed. I love what we have now, and I'm grateful every day that God has given me a strong man to trust. Things are always complicated and no one predicts the future, but I am secure in the present. I found a second family with Mommy, Pappi, Titi, Billy, Rita, Allan, Paola, Alejandro, and Sebastian. They all loved me so completely and gave me a safe and secure place to live, love and be myself. If God didn't bring these people in my life, I don't know that I would ever feel as safe away from home as I do now. [Josh showed me the song How To Love by Lil Wayne and that's when I began to appreciate this artist. It's our song.]
July was wild and crazy! I can't count all the times Pablo, Kyle, Omar, Nathan, Jackie, Rachel and I hung out. I was certainly out of my house a lot shopping, having sleepovers, and sleepily driving home after long days of socialization and work. I'm so glad that this month was the end to the summer of my life. [I'll never forget when I heard Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 in Jackie's car. It became the anthem of my summer.]
August was move-in time. I will be honest, I cried for 15 minutes after my mother left me at my New York apartment. I was scared for about that long, until my roommate Kacey came home. I was scared the money wouldn't work out and fearful that I wouldn't be able to handle the academic that workload. Even now, I find myself feeling those stresses again. After how smoothly everything went last semester though, and trusting that God will provide for His will, I'm no longer afraid. I am secure in Him now and that's all I have to remember. School started for me on my birthday and it was weird not celebrating, but I think it was better that way. Humility has always been a struggle for me. [Because it's cliche and overused, I almost feel obligated to place the song Empire State of Mind by
September was rather mundane. I was still job searching, studying hard, and avoiding a social life at King's. I have this problem of associating having friends with not having time to do homework. I had a super hard time settling in (though it honestly didn't affect me) and I just went about my studies. I was just beginning to get into a rhythm with things and adjusting to my roommate situation. There were many King's ceremonies and rituals and competitions thrust upon me at this time, but I suppose I liked it. I was definitely kept busy. I also met my Big B (like a big sister program in our house) and we became fast friends. [Invisible by Skylar Grey isn't how I felt about this particular time but rather a remembrance of how such anonymity use to affect me. Think of it like an expression of my growth.]
October was the month of tests. I had my first week of college midterms and was afraid for my life. I have come to define myself by my grades (a terrible habit!) and I hardly slept that week. This was also the month I started my job with the most wonderful boss in the world (Courtney) taking care of the most incredible kid I've ever met (Olivia). I had to get used to a 5:30 AM alarm daily for work. This was also the month I made a mistake. I trusted too easily again. I hurt people I love and I assumed someone's word as a friend was honest. I was naive and too forgiving of someone's obvious faults. I have learned now and I value those close to me so much more because of it. [Should this person read this post, he would know why Teenage Dream is the song for this month. Someone I cared about showed it to me and I just have to put it on the playlist though I've put it on a playlist before.]
November was a selfish month on my part. I was living for myself because I pretty much thought I could get away with it. I was working harder than ever in school, but also trying to hard to express my independence and ability to choose my own lifestyle. I let down my new family, and for that, I'm sincerely sorry. I temporarily lost one of my best friends, but I'm so glad she and I are good again!! I was blessed by finding a church home at Calvary at St. George's and 3 new part-time nannying positions. This was also the month of the theatre production at my school and I was thrilled with its success. I developed many friends and a mentor whom I highly esteem. This was the month I truly began to see my potential and future here in NYC. I also came home quickly for Thanksgiving and was reminded about all the things for which I'm working. It was a rejuvenating blessing. [Again, I know I've already used the song, Money by the Flying Lizards, but it's a great song. We used this is in our production of The Good Person of Setzuan in November.]
December was probably my most difficult academic month this past semester. I had finals which I was sure would be the death of me. I'm pretty sure I drank more espresso than is legal. I also worked more cumulative hours before I came home than I do in a normal month. I got sick just before I came home, but had the most marvelous 9 days. I love all the love everyone showed me and all the fun I had while I was home. To those who I didn't get to see: I'm genuinely sorry from the bottom of my heart. I had many familial demands as well as previously made plans, and unfortunately couldn't fit everything in. Just know that I love all of you have been there for me, lifted me up in prayer, and I never forget you even though I may not have time to communicate with you. [Dance (A$$ by Big Sean was introduced to me and became the funniest, dumbest, yet best dance song I heard in a long time!]
Well thank you everybody for following me these past few months! I admit December was a lazy month and I didn't do what I should for my blog followers, but I'm back and in full force! Please lift me up in prayer, though, because I have a 20 hour semester and I'm in 5 organizations and potentially in an exec position on one of them. I also lost the one professor I was closest to who was the best mentor I could've chosen for my college career. Just pray that God brings someone even better in my path and will help me have the energy to survive such an arduous path. I love you all and I would love for you to refer this blog, subscribe, comment, and +1 me!
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